DoChange - You are definitely right on the money in your observations about those who make it to the top of the organizational pinnacle. They begin to believe their own bullshit.
Talesin - Same for you. It is true that most large organizations like the WT are really run by one man or a very small group of men (usually not more than 5) who make all of the major decisions. They are often not visible outside of their own little group and are known to subordinates only by their initials on documents approving or denying an inquiry, request, or proposal.
I worked for a couple of very large US corporations - one a public utility, the other a very large national retailer. In both cases I ended up in higher level staff positions directly reporting to an AVP or VP level manager/director. Being an intermediary between the highest staff levels and the field operating teams and retailers I was often just a messenger delivering the mail. When the news was bad - or clearly damaging to field operations - I would be the one asked, "Who the **** made this decision?" All I could see on the original document were initials. While I could guess who that person was, I was not at liberty to reveal my opinion to the field managers. I would be the one who had to endure their wrath and hatred. In most cases, I agreed with the field managers and would have supported them if it would have made any difference. The only difference made would have been my being out of a job.
I think that is the way it is with the Watchtower corporation(s). I think Russell, Rutherford and Knorr were pretty much in overall charge, but since the promotion of the 7-19 holy underlings known collectively as the Governing Body in the late 1960s, I believe the real decision makers are completely hidden. Most of those familiar with the 1970-2000 period would guess that Ted Jaracz was the real power behind the throne, but I've communicated with high level Bethelites serving during that period who say that was only partially true - there was still someone higher than him pulling the big strings. Don Adams? Doubtful, but a possibility.
I don't think we'll ever know exactly who makes the real decisions for the WT, but my guess is that it is someone on the financial side. It might even be someone who is not even a Jehovah's Witness and may not even believe any of their BS teachings. All of this construction work and property acquisitions - the new pseudo-"tithing" donation arrangement, the actual switch from printing presses to digitial delivery of literature - all indicate that someone watching over the Society's balance sheet is the real "chairman of the board." Everything, from convention locations to minor doctrinal changes probably passes by that person or small group of men (not the Governing Body) for final approval.
My heart, my head, and my contacts all agree that someone completely off-screen is pulling the strings and is personally profiting from what happens in the Watchtower organization. And my intellect tells me it is not Jehovah or Jesus Christ.
Just my 2p...